gmlogo1.gif (46822 bytes) GAINGATE 


tertium datur / able to gain

gain mission


linking the failing, separated paradigms in a renergetic way
to a powerfull maradigm on which
an idogene base can be found to respond to the problem.


op renergetische wijze de afzonderlijk falende paradigma's
koppelen tot een krachtig maradigma waarop
een idogene basis gevonden kan worden
voor de verantwoording van het probleem.


Eugene Kortekaas
tertium: gemeente rotterdam
Jan van Hensbergen
tertium: provincie noord-holland

tmc entry (trybe#manhattan curriculum):
cv's-/attestatie de vita: contact  
commentaren, inzichten, adviezen:  cia  
projecten & initiatieven:  pi,
story-telling & tory-stelling


trybe profile

wat voor mij geldt, moet voor jou ook mogen; niemand is schuldig aan zichzelf
what serves me, may suit you; none is guilty to one

Contact Information

Welcome on our site. Just be, have & see, where it links.
Tell us, where it doesn't. we don't like to lose you in your journey through this moment.

We prefer contact in this third, organic manifestation of our site.

welkom op onze site. begin met netto tijd en kijk of het linkt. vertel ons waar 't mis gaat; wij verliezen niet graag het kontakt in deze, alweer derde fase van ons project.
VIP (virtuele interactieve paticipatie) is op diverse manieren mogelijk en wordt effectiever naarmate de gaingate-principes gehanteerd worden.

Virtual Interactive Participation (VIP) in terms of our aims, products & services is possible in different ways, but effective the more you are idogain.
The ioi-code clears you. Your ioi-formula & your oma-profile show your faculties.

Your needs, offers & comments may modify the vip-possibilities.

As said, this site contents different ways to contact us.

Just take your time & spot ours,  in our world:
virtual, interactive, analogical, digitial, emperical, quintessential.

You are more but welcome helping us, making this site global xs-able for all lapsarian kids.

"One or nothing"  demands  the system;

"There are always two possibilities",
according the butler;

"Tertium non datur"
seems  the philosophical imperative worldwide.

So where are we ?

We offer you "tertium datur", so line through.
But remember the over alter-natives.

quests   answers   questions



the former dutch version:

mensen machines methoden      knews2day, beware it changes  


  story telling, oio-overzicht

Op de informatie van deze site is het
renergetisch copyright ©®"
 van toepassing.

The information on this site is cloned information,
thats why copyright is renergetic:

just member us, when you use it


Brainoeuf Colophony