one world or none
quest for environmentality
- global interpretable
- understandable for younger in all political cultures
- regional usable as policy awareness tool
the arguments provided by the Council for
Younger Policy in Northern Holland
are 'hors concours'.
we interpreted these arguments in
global english language
and plead for a worldwide interpretation:
1999-08-08 untill 2000-08-08
trybe#manhattan proclaimes
the first open quest for younger policy
in order to find
valid tools for the innovation & strengthening of
awareness in politics.
First episode:
based on an universal plausible approach,
including a worldwide impact for
regional implementation & development
and stimulating a global interpretation of younger policy.
Foundation Inner Road
supports this episode of the quest by granting two awards:
Euro 2.000,--
for the one who formulates the most favoured argument
(winner @ statistics)
Euro 2.000,--
for one of the participants in translation/interpretation
(winner @ random)
all contributions by persons or groups
are part in these open conquest of the fir-awards